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Home » Cleaning » 5 Alternatives to Watching Game of Thrones

5 Alternatives to Watching Game of Thrones


After last week’s memorable episode of Game of Thrones, I asked a colleague of mine whether she watched the show. The answer – a firm “no”. And I was stunned by it. I mean, it has everything you’d want in a TV show. So who in their right mind doesn’t count the minutes to the next episode/season?

Then this happened and I myself began wondering why I was watching it. So I think I’m speaking for the entire Game of Thrones community when I say this: we’ll need some serious counselling.

Game of Thrones

People want more of that

That was all for season five. Now while we’re waiting for season six, or thinking about whether to give the show another chance to make up for all that’s happen thus far, here are some ideas on how to spend your free time bouncing back from the trauma.

#1 Find Another Cool Show

First things first, finding another awesome TV show to watch is in order. And this time around I think I’m going to go for something less violent/emotional. Like the new HBO series – Ballers, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Now that right here is the new summer hit. Plus, it’s the Rock we’re talking about, so watching the show is a definite must.

#2 Read a Book or Two

Or better yet, instead of watching TV, find something interesting to read. With TV and movies, we, or most people at least, have forgotten what it is to actually sit down and read a book. I’m talking about reading an actual paper book here, not these new e-books that merely imitate the look of paper. Say what you will about your new Kindle, but there’s nothing like the good-old paper books.

# 3 Get on Top of all Chores

After your favourite TV show comes to a tumultuous end, you feel like something is missing in your life. And sometimes you might feel like you’d do everything to fill that void. So why don’t you start with cleaning? The Many-faced god knows your house can use the touch of an expert home cleaning company. But with all that time on your hands, tackling the relentless mess at your house wouldn’t be an issue. So yes people, it’s time to clean up a bit.

Myrcella Lanister

Myrcella Lannister

And as an added benefit, cleaning up will help your mental recuperation after that dreadful end of the fifth season. I’m being serious here. People a lot smarter than me have scientifically proved that doing actual cleaning helps you psychologically. And living in a neat and tidy home is also alright.

#4 Learn to Cook

Are you a fan of take-out and fast food? I don’t mean to sound like your mother, but you should kick that habit because your mum’s right. Instead of always eating pizza, Chinese, and burgers, learn how to cook. Yes, it takes time preparing dinner, and cleaning up the mess in your kitchen will probably make the whole thing a lot harder, but it’s totally worth it.

#5 Make a Bucket List

Winter is Coming

Game of Thrones

If there’s something Game of Thrones has taught us, it’s that life is short and we have to live it to the fullest. And what better way to start than making a bucket list and following through with it. Start with something small and don’t put off the things on your list for long.

What did you think of the last episode? Will you give the show another try after everything that’s happened by far? Share with us in the comment section bellow.

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